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Cardio-TRAP® Right Radial Procedure
1. Transfer patient to the procedural table.
2. Install the Right Radial Base onto the Base Board. (Fig. 1)
3. Install the Upper Radiation Shield onto the Base Board. (Fig. 2)
4. Place support under the patient’s right wrist. (Fig. 3)
5. Secure patient’s right hand to the Right Radial Base.
(Fig. 4)
Right Radial Base
Proudly Made in the USA
Trans-Radial Solutions LLC, Roebuck, SC
IMPORTANT: REMOVE all Cardio-TRAP® attachments (Right Radial Base, Upper Shield, and Left Radial Base) prior to moving the patient to and from the procedural table. The Base Board is intended to remain with the table (see instructions).
Proudly Made in the USA
Trans-Radial Solutions LLC, Roebuck, SC
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